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A member registered Jun 22, 2021

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We're not discouraging you from giving feedback, we're giving you crap for complaining about things that are either intentional design, or outside their control. This bug is a good thing to be pushing, and hopefully the dev fixes it, but a wall of text filled with complaints is a bad way to go about bringing awareness

Physics are also outside the dev's control. Idk what to tell you other than get used to it

You must have forgotten to do a night patrol outside satellite Whiskey. You need to do them three nights in a row, and the mushrooms disappear

The game has a shroom problem, there isn't actually a fix. But do the patrols, you will not regret it! Take a video camera

The virus got me good, I was not expecting it in the slightest lmao

Cool! I hope I get that event in my next playthrough

Allow me to provide one here!

1. Easy to run, making it accessible to almost everyone

2. A good mix of challenging and relaxing, making you have to think and plan while playing

3. Simplistic textures fit the game's atmosphere, making it visually pleasing just to look around (particularly in the early morning/late evening)

4. The spookiness scales extremely well, with weird things occurring more and more frequently the longer you play

5. Wide variety of events/signals can occur or be found, making every day entirely different from the last (usually. Rarely you can have multiple days where nothing happens, but I find I enjoy those periods just as much as the crazy ones)

6. Every upgrade feels important (one exception, looking at you alarm)

7. The economy is very well balanced, so that initially you struggle but even later on you aren't exactly rolling in money

8. Unfinished, meaning funny bugs and glitches will occur multiple times each time you boot up the game

9. Papers

10. Easily the best game to play while drunk or otherwise impaired by drugs

11. Game is actively being worked on, with constant tweaks to make it less buggy and add content to explore. Dev is very kind as well, letting us watch Joel suffer


13. lol this is strange, the contents of the comment seem to be empty

The reason spawn issues occur is because you're essentially downloading a new copy of the game every update. You're getting mad at the dev for something completely outside their control. As for the satellite placement, it was meant to be a challenge. Not every game will be tailored to toddlers. Also, giving advice to the dev? How much experience do YOU have? To cap it off, there IS a nifty function you can use to reload the world in the save (but again, each update is a different version so any changed/replaced objects will stay gone as they do not exist any more in that version)

(Not intended to be snarky, just giving straight answers. #4 in particular I am jaded with)

1. You are meant to use a crowbar

2. It's meant to be challenging

3. It respawns when you reload

4. Get used to them, they're indie game standard

5. You are hallucinating from hunger

6. Can't argue here

7. To get you unstuck (or hop over barriers)

8. Buy MRIs, keep a few on hand

I haven't gotten it myself, however some signals are classed as "events" which you can't pause during. Hope that helps!

No, only because when you ragdoll it can cause the camera to roll dramatically. It can produce visually straining sequences. In my case, it happens about 1-2 times every 30 minutes (I play recklessly). There's also dream sequences that involve flickering black and white textures.

You start with plenty of resources, and the first few days you can ignore the downed satellites unless they're on the way to the ones you need the sv.hash from. I made it to day 25 before the update, which ruined my save file. I still need to start over. The main point of the frantic first few days is to put a sharp contrast to when you have several upgrades, leaving you more time to investigate weird signals, explore the map, and contemplate why you keep playing. My biggest tip is upgrade the computer as much and as early as you can. Each level is exponentially more money

We'll find out when the log gets released, to my knowledge not much. Though, all the doors did vanish from my 5.1 save file sooo

This doesn't actually work. Game is smart and knows when you are just making and selling copies (even if they are different levels, the signal itself is the same)

Outside the main door is a sheet of paper with the code on it, standard code is simply "1111". Bunker has a different code, gl

I had this happen to me, after a while it went away on its own. The problem I have is my front door vanished and effectively doesn't exist anymore, starting from day 2. Now day 24, still no door

Have you been repairing the broken servers at the satellites? Each server will slightly decrease download speed until it effectively becomes nothing, the lowest I ever had was 0.3 Mb/S

Have you checked your firewall/antivirus programs?